beware the ogre!


club-crawler is a javascript game utilizing the Phaser game engine.

This site provides documentation for objects used within club crawler.

A recent build of club-crawler can be played on netlify


club-crawler is served with parcel-bundler and parcel-plugin-static-files-copy. It uses phaser as the game engine.

Use the command npm install from the root directory to install parcel and phaser.

Use the command npm start to use parcel to serve club-crawler at localhost:1234


See Overview for an overview of how the game is assembled and how components communicate.


This project is hosted by the unhm-programming-team on github.

To contribute, fork the project and submit a pull request.

Project Status

This project is active and being worked on. The core of the game engine is nearing a completion point. Soon we will need to begin thinking about actual interesting and balanced level, weapon, enemy, and general design. We need a simple plot to direct artistic efforts.