from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import threading
import time
from Options import Options
import Physics
import DebugTab
import Utility
import PhysicsWindow
[docs]class MainWindow:
MainWindow serves as the entry point to the application. It builds the PhysicsCanvas, the right side Notebook, and the tabs in that notebook. Many other objects contain references to MainWindow (usually simply as self.window) in order that they can access all other parts of the application.
def __init__(self):
self.root = Tk() # start tkinter
"""The Tkinter root"""
self.root.title = '2d Physics Simulator'
self.root_frame = ttk.Frame(self.root)
"""The root frame"""
# physics canvas will create and grid the canvas
self.center_frame = ttk.Frame(self.root_frame)
pad = Options['canvas border width']
# self.center_frame['style'] = 'BorderCanvas.TFrame
# self.center_frame['padding'] = (pad,pad,pad,pad)
self.physics_canvas = PhysicsCanvas(self, self.center_frame)
# notebook has tabbed selections
self.right_notebook = ttk.Notebook(self.root_frame)
self.options_tab = OptionsTab(self.right_notebook, self)
self.environment_tab = EnvironmentTab(self.right_notebook, self)
self.debug_tab = DebugTab.DebugTab(self.right_notebook, self)
self.log_tab = DebugTab.LogTab(self.right_notebook, self)
self.log = self.log_tab.log
"""Simply call window.log(message) to log directly to the log tab"""
self.right_notebook.add(self.options_tab, text='Options')
self.right_notebook.add(self.environment_tab, text='Environment')
self.right_notebook.add(self.debug_tab, text='Debug')
self.right_notebook.add(self.log_tab, text='Log')
# time selector handles play/pause
self.bottom_time_frame = ttk.Frame(self.root_frame)
self.time_selector = TimeSelector(self, self.bottom_time_frame)
# additional windows for vector popups
self.additional_windows = []
"""Extant instances from PhysicsWindows module"""
self.center_frame.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.right_notebook.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=N)
self.bottom_time_frame.grid(row=1, column=1)
[docs]class PhysicsCanvas:
Controls the drawing of PhysicsObjects and inheriting classes on a canvas
Sets origin to center and calculates actual pixel coordinates from object displacement vectors.
def __init__(self, window, parent_frame):
self.window = window
self.frame = parent_frame
self.width = Options['canvas width']
self.height = Options['canvas height']
self.scale = Options['zoom']
"""Not yet implemented"""
self.origin_x = self.width/2
self.origin_y = self.height/2
self.max_x = self.width/2
self.min_x = -self.width/2
self.max_y = self.height/2
self.min_y = -self.height/2
self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame, width=self.width, height=self.height)
self.context_menu = Menu(self.frame) # menu items created at the time of click
# set canvas style from options
self.canvas['relief'] = Options['canvas border type']
self.canvas['bd'] = Options['canvas border width']
self.canvas['bg'] = Options['canvas background color']
# set click handlers
self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.context_popup)
self.physics_objects = []
"""Instances from e.g., :class:`Physics.ForceObject` that need to be have update called"""
self.interacting_forces = []
"""Instances from, e.g. :class:`Physics.GravitationalForceGenerator` that need to be have update called"""
self.particles = []
self.new_physics_object_plugins = []
"""These are functions. Each will have func(physics_object) called on it when a new object is added.
You can generate a callback to go in this list to add functionality to new objects that are added
[docs] def draw_cartesian(self):
Draw axis lines.
color = Options['canvas axis color']
self.canvas.create_line(0, self.origin_y, self.width, self.origin_y, fill=color)
self.canvas.create_line(self.origin_x, 0, self.origin_x, self.height, fill=color)
[docs] def add_physics_object(self, physics_object):
This replaced redundant methods add_force_object, add_vector_object, etc. in the refactor. Those classes were also all merged into PhysicsObject.
Draws a rectangle to represent the physicsObject on the canvas.
Adds a reference to the new PhysicsObject in self.physicsObjects
Sets physics_object.canvas_id to the canvas id (integer) resulting from drawing a shape
Sets physics_object.physics_canvas to a reference to this PhysicsCanvas
:param physics_object: A physics object to draw on the canvas
:type physics_object: :class:`Physics.PhysicsObject`
if hasattr(physics_object, 'material'):
color = physics_object.material.color
color = 'blue'
x0 = physics_object.displacement.x - physics_object.side + self.origin_x
x1 = physics_object.displacement.x + physics_object.side + self.origin_x
y0 = physics_object.displacement.y - physics_object.side + self.origin_y
y1 = physics_object.displacement.y + physics_object.side + self.origin_y
# down the line, the physics object should draw itself
physics_object.canvas_id = self.canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color)
physics_object.physics_canvas = self
for plugin in self.new_physics_object_plugins:
[docs] def update(self, interval):
Passes update to interval to self.physics_objects and self.interacting_forces
:param interval: time in seconds
:type interval: number
for o in self.physics_objects:
for f in self.interacting_forces:
for p in self.particles:
[docs] def move_physics_object(self, physics_object):
Called by :class:`Physics.ForceObject` when they need to move.
Checks the displacement vector of the parameter object, calculates where that should appear on the canvas,
then moves the rendering to the appropriate pixel x,y.
Currently, this is a little buggy and needs to be reworked. Positive and negative y are not accounted for correctly.
:param physics_object: An object with a displacement vector that wants to move
:type physics_object: extends :class:`Physics.PhysicsObject`
velocity = physics_object.velocity
acceleration = physics_object.acceleration
dx = physics_object.displacement.x
dy = physics_object.displacement.y
side = physics_object.side
x0 = dx - side
x1 = dx + side
y0 = dy - side
y1 = dy + side
if x0 < self.min_x + Options['canvas left physics adjustment'] and velocity.x < 0.001:
velocity.x *= -1
elif x1 > self.max_x + Options['canvas right physics adjustment'] and velocity.x > 0.001:
velocity.x *= -1
if y0 < self.min_y + Options['canvas top physics adjustment'] and velocity.y < 0.001:
velocity.y *= -1
elif y1 > self.max_y - Options['canvas bottom physics adjustment'] and velocity.y > 0.001:
velocity.y *= -1
new_x = physics_object.displacement.x + self.origin_x - side
new_y = self.origin_y - (physics_object.displacement.y + side)
self.canvas.moveto(physics_object.canvas_id, new_x, new_y)
[docs] def get_physics_object_from_id(self, id):
Returns the object with canvas id equal to id
:param id: A canvas id
:type id: int
:return: :class:`Physics.PhysicsObject`
for p in self.physics_objects:
if p.canvas_id == id:
return p
[docs] def delete_physics_object(self, physics_object):
Deletes an object and removes its rendering from the canvas.
:param physics_object: Object to delete
:type physics_object: extends :class:`Physics.PhysicsObject`
delete_id = physics_object.canvas_id
for i in range(0, len(self.physics_objects)-1):
phys_object = self.physics_objects[i]
if phys_object == physics_object:
self.window.log(f"deleted physics object {delete_id}")
[docs]class TimeSelector:
Handles pause, step, and play buttons at the bottom of the UI.
Calculates update time and sends it to window.physics_canvas for updating.
:param window: The main entry of the application
:type window: :class:`Ui.Window`
:param parent_frame: The frame where these components should be located
:type frame: Tkinter.Frame
def __init__(self, window, parent_frame):
self.window = window
self.frame = parent_frame
self.pause_button = Button(self.frame, text='Pause', command=self.stop_thread)
self.start_button = Button(self.frame, text='Play', command=self.start_thread)
self.step_button = Button(self.frame, text='Step', command=self.step)
self.run_thread = threading.Thread(, daemon=True)
"""Main program time loop"""
self.running = False
"""Set True when program is running"""
self.pause_button.grid(column=0, row=0)
self.start_button.grid(column=1, row=0)
self.step_button.grid(column=2, row=0)
self.window.root.bind('<Return>', self.toggle_run_button)
[docs] def run(self):
Run by the program thread(s), not called directly!
Sleeps for approximately `Options.Options['update interval']` seconds, then calls self.update(interval) with
the interval being the actual time passed since the last update was called. :return:
last_time = time.time()
while self.running:
now_time = time.time()
interval = now_time - last_time
last_time = now_time
time.sleep(Options['update interval'])
[docs] def start_thread(self):
Stops the old thread in case it's running, then sets self.run_thread to a new thread and starts it.
self.running = True
self.run_thread = threading.Thread(, daemon=True)
[docs] def update(self, interval):
Tells :class:`Ui.PhysicsWindow` to update with interval amount.
Also tells each window in `MainWindow.additional_windows` to update by interval amount.
:param interval: Time to update in seconds
:type interval: number
for i in range(0, len(self.window.additional_windows)):
window = self.window.additional_windows[i]
[docs] def stop_thread(self):
Stops the current self.run_thread and joins it (if its alive)
Also sets self.running to false
self.running = False
if self.run_thread.is_alive():
[docs] def step(self):
Calls self.update(Options['update interval']), 'stepping' the time that would pass in 1 'frame'
self.update(Options['update interval'])
[docs]class EnvironmentTab(ttk.Frame):
Will have environment options like grav, air resistance, maybe scaling
def __init__(self, parent, window):
ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.window = window
self.clear_button = ttk.Button(self, text="Clear", command=self.clear_press)
self.is_gravity = BooleanVar()
gravity_check = ttk.Checkbutton(self, text="gravity", variable=self.is_gravity, command=self.toggle_gravity)
self.gravity_accel = IntVar()
self.clear_button.grid(column=0, row=0)
gravity_check.grid(column=0, row=1)
[docs] def toggle_gravity(self):
physics_canvas = self.window.physics_canvas
if self.is_gravity.get(): # checkbox changes before command is called
for p_object in physics_canvas.physics_objects:
p_object._grav_force = Physics.Force.make_directional_force('S', self.gravity_accel.get()*p_object.mass)
p_object._grav_force.constant = True
for p_object in physics_canvas.physics_objects:
if hasattr(p_object, '_grav_force'):
grav_force = p_object._grav_force
for f in p_object.forces:
if f == grav_force:
i = p_object.forces.index(f)
for plug in physics_canvas.new_physics_object_plugins:
if plug == self.set_grav_for_new_physics_object:
i = physics_canvas.new_physics_object_plugins.index(plug)
[docs] def set_grav_for_new_physics_object(self, physics_object):
Append this function to :class:`PhysicsCanvas.new_physics_object_plugins`
:param physics_object: A new physics object
:type :class:`Physics.PhysicsObject`
if self.is_gravity.get():
physics_object._grav_force = Physics.Force.make_directional_force('S', self.gravity_accel.get()*physics_object.mass)
physics_object._grav_force.constant = True
[docs] def clear_press(self):
Deletes all refs in physics Canvas
Closes all hanging windows
Clears canvas of extant physics objects
Removes interacting forces
for win in self.window.additional_windows:
pos = self.window.physics_canvas.physics_objects
self.window.physics_canvas.physics_objects = []
for obj in pos:
for force in self.window.physics_canvas.interacting_forces:
for particle in self.window.physics_canvas.particles:
[docs]class OptionsTab(ttk.Frame):
Will have UI components for changing values such as in Options.Options
def __init__(self, parent, window):
ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.window = window