Technology Stack

Stack Diagram

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digraph techstack { node [shape = "component"]; caller [label = "Scheduled API calls", href="", target="_blank"]; redditAPIRules [label="Reddit API Rules", href="" target="_blank"]; production [label="Production"]; testing [label="Testing", href="", target="_blank"]; processor [label = "Process API data"]; node [label = "technology", style="filled" fillcolor="#1f0477", shape="cylinder", fontcolor="white"]; reddit [label="Reddit API", href="" target="_blank" alt="Reddit API documentation"]; django [label="Django", href="", target="_blank"]; sqlite [label="SQLite", href="", target="_blank" fill="blue"]; apache [label="Apache", href="" target="_blank"]; modwsgi [label="mod_wsgi", href="" target="_blank"]; autodoc [label="sphinx-autodoc", href="", target="_blank"]; sphinx [label="sphinx documentation", href="", target="_blank"]; html [label="HTML/CSS"]; github [label="github pages"]; node [shape="ellipse", style="filled", fillcolor="#e5e6ce", fontcolor="black"]; models [label="Models", href="", target="_blank"]; database [label="Database"]; view [label="View", href="", target="_blank"]; template [label="Template", href="", target="_blank"]; codebase [label="Code Base", href="" target="_blank"]; reddit -> redditAPIRules; database -> models [label="populates"]; database -> sqlite; template -> html; django -> view django -> models django -> database django -> template view -> template [label = "serves"]; template -> html [label = "generates"]; models -> template [label = "populates"]; caller -> reddit [label="queries"]; caller -> processor [label="processes"]; processor -> database [label="fills"]; codebase -> autodoc; autodoc -> sphinx [label="made with"]; production -> apache [label="backend"]; production -> modwsgi [label="python/apache"]; codebase -> production; codebase -> testing; codebase -> django [label="mostly written using"]; sphinx -> github [label="hosted statically"]; }

digraph legend { fillcolor="gray"; rankdir=UD; label = "Legend"; shape = "rectangle"; color = "black"; technology [label = "technology", style="filled" fillcolor="#1f0477", shape="cylinder", fontcolor="white"]; ourcode [label="our code", shape="ellipse", style="filled", fillcolor="#e5e6ce"]; process [shape="component", label="process"]; }


Django is proposed to be the main driver of this web-application. Most of our members are familiar with Python which is why we should try a Python based stack. SQLite is proposed to be the database because it runs out of the box with Django, though Django offers support for other dbs as well, including PostgreSQL through psycopg. Sphinx makes decent documentation. Django has some built in testing capabilities.

Hosting with Apache and mod_wsgi is a tried and tested deployment strategy.